Sunday, October 19, 2008

All I am is Love

I started reading a book that I got from the store called "Say Yes to Love: Giving Birth to a World of Love". It has messages from God that offers a hand to help you grow in Love and light and realize the vastness of our own true Being. I am the kind of person who in a way has a closed heart and I refrain myself from feeling what I feel which creates many negative emotions and tensions in my lifestyle. I have already begun to change this through reading this inspirational book. I am learning to see that there is love in EVERYTHING and when I do this I get this rush of joy throughout my entire body. Sometimes when I am driving I look around or up at the sky and I get a huge smile on my face just thinking about all the love and beauty in the world. My heart has opened up and a cascade of fresh love energy runs through me. Words are inadequate to describe how this book has touched my life, this book describes love in life perfectly. I have let go of anger and forgiven those who have hurt me, which in turn has made me happier person. When you embrace love and positive thoughts it automatically reflects off of you and your energy and when you are this way, it becomes contagious. How can one be bitter or sad around someone who spreads such joy? In times like these with the world issues, the economy and everyday issues it takes a toll on you but I say take it as it is, think positive and all in all you will be happier regardless of the situation. I recommend this book to anyone whether happy or sad, it is enlightening and brings love into your life in ways you may have never experienced before.

"Even the most magnificent vision of us that you can possibly embrace is only a tiny portion of the grand and glorious love that we are."

--Say "Yes" to Love: Giving Birth to a World of Love through Yael and Doug Powell

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