Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This past weekend we had a henna workshop! Henna tattoos are 100% painless and safe and only last a few weeks. They are rich in oils and herbs that allow the skin to be soothed and absorb the rich henna color. The art of Henna has been used for centuries as a form of "adorning the body". We had a woman named Arianne come in, who is a graphic designer and yoga teacher and uses her art to connect energies with people. Her workshop was awesome...we learned the different styles of Henna, Hindu and Arabic, the basic patterns and techniques of applying a Henna tattoo. I did one on my wrist and my little sister was hilarious and did a "third eye" in the middle of her forehead!! I got to take a bottle home and plan on doing Henna tattoos on all my friends! It is fun way to "have a tattoo" without having one. I have seen the coolest and craziest Henna tattoos...people get very creative! There was a big turn out for the workshop too, and I met some interesting new people. That's one thing I love about having the store--I get to meet new people all the time! 

We have a lot of events coming up in the next week, it will be busy. It is our one year anniversary! How exciting! Well, I will keep you posted... if you want to come to an event check out our website: and maybe we will meet soon!
